Wednesday, January 4, 2012

God's Been Good In My Life pt. 5

I will continue to praise Him...

Even through trials.

I received my grades from the fall semester. They were not good. And what's worse is that I may not be able to attend a certain class(es) because of it, which ruins my schedule. I feel at my lowest point right now and my grades are just staring back at me yelling out loud "You should have done better, you usually get better grades!". All I could respond was that I honestly tried but I know that is still not a good excuse. I've disappointed my teachers, myself and my Lord. Now I'm not looking forward to next semester having to face the teacher I respect the most. I let him down and I feel so pathetic. I hurts knowing that you tried so hard but it still wasn't enough.

But I must continue to praise Him, even while I'm still hurting.

God has blest me with a supporting mother who knows that I've tried, I have a great sister who never has a frown on her face, and a wonderful friend that has stayed by my side for so many years. I have never gone to bed hungry, God has always provided food. He shows that He loves me in small ways, like airing my favorite movie or song on the radio or tv. God loves me so much and even though I may not have a dad, I have a wonderful Heavenly Father. My family and I were saved from a horrible person, and now my family and I live making new memories that overcome all the previous bad memories. I've had/have wonderful roommates that brought the best out of me. I've had teachers who've cared about me and encouraged me to go the distance. God took me out of so many unpleasant situations, and made sure I would be safe. All in all, I've been truly blest. God has been good to me.

I feel a bit better now. Still hurting but better. I may not sleep tonight, maybe stay up and talk with God and walk in the morning. Will you please pray for me?

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