Saturday, December 17, 2011

God's Been Good In My Life pt. 3

I should probably tell of how God had shown a great amount of mercy and grace yesterday. First off, I realized I left my actual photo ID in one of my storage bins before assembly. Not only that, I had to leave almost immediately after the assembly in order to catch my flight in time. But the Lord was so kind and I was able to get my ID in time to leave, and I was able to catch an early ride to the airport. This time, my flights weren't delayed (a wonderful blessing), my luggage could fit, and actually got to each of my gates early. On my last flight home, I got to watch my favorite movie on the plane (courtesy of the airline). It's no surprise that my favorite movie I got to watch was The Matrix. I was so happy, although a little nauseated. You see, in the midst of trying to get ready to leave college, I missed breakfast and drank only coke, drank bad coffee for lunch, and ate a sandwich on the plane. I guess eating on a plane and staying in the air for 4 hours isn't good for your stomach. Oh well, competing with watching The Matrix, the other best part of the day was coming home from a very busy semester of college.

But even that is a blessing. God has opened a lot of opportunities for me to work on my skills. In addition, God allowed me to meet a lot of new people, the majority of them were wonderful blessings to me. I'll be honest, some of them were thorns to my sides and they kept hurting me and brought me trouble without even knowing it. However, God allowed them in my life so I can learn. And I have learned. So at least this experience won't be in vain. Anyway, more blessings!

I think irony is one of God's many jokes. Why am I saying this? Well after leaving the airport to go back home, my family and I watched Con Air. The actor playing the inmate Cyrus "The Virus" Grissom later plays Pascal Sauvage, the owner of many prisons, in Johnny English. I just find that hilarious. A side note about irony, my sister and I were watching Day of the Dead (1985), and pondered over Steel. We thought, he probably is a really nice guy in real life. Probably teaches Sunday school to children and feeds the homeless, but is out in a role that makes him look like a really bad mean guy. Again, we were laughing at the thought and how it could be true. Oh well, I'll post up some projects soon.

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