Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mah Skillz in College

Yeah, I didn't have time to post yesterday. I was too busy watching funny videos and Toy Story 2. But enough about that! Here's one of two of the best projects I've done (which means these were the only ones that were graded the highest, a B). Yeah its pathetic but at least I tried.

Yep, this one actually got me the highest grade I've ever gotten in this class. I did some changes that the teacher wrote down to make it better. I changed some of the kerning and made "Includes" in smaller font. Another change was removing my name, for obvious reasons. Who would want to buy a hymnbook from a mental frog?

The theme of our hymnbook had to be from a particular hymn that we chose as our main song. I chose "I Believe In Miracles", my favorite hymn, and then include three other hymns. Since the theme was Miracles, I chose the aurora borealis as my background. I still can't understand how people don't realize God's hand in nature and everything else. The font I used was Noir-et-Blanc for the title and I forgot which font I used in the subheading. I'm not sure if I'll post the next project that I did in college since I would have to censor a lot of things. Not that it has bad content, but for privacy reasons. This mental frog needs to be secluded from the rest of the world.

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