Friday, June 18, 2010

It's finally over

I never thought it would be.

Since I'm done with high school now I guess the future posts will show projects from college and/or my own projects that I'll do in my free time.

The future projects might have some limitations seeing that not much creativity is in me and the fact that my college might not allow certain things to be in my work (although that's not really a problem). But hey I'm still growing and hopefully there will be some kind of change seen in my work. Hopefully.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Old SkooL

Well, kind of...
I went back to what started graphic design for me, Illustrator. I outlined a picture of a phoenix using the pen tool and filled in certain parts with black or white. Then I used a flame font of sorts to make the flames (duh) on the Los Inmortales part at the bottom.

This was for my class' senior awards night booklet. Ironically, I didn't go.

Because I wasn't invited to get an award.

But apparently I did get an award. Two of them.

No one told me. *sob*

I got them the next day. No applause for me...*sob*

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Even farther than before

This has gone too far.
An ugly cover, a bad model, too much going on in the background, illegible words, bland teasers (randomly choosing a country) and headlines, it has everything you don't want. I might have had an easier time with this if I used a different model, particularly not a real human model.

In a nutshell I used a lot of blend modes in the layers palette, particularly color dodge, then I used brushes along side from what I learned about glowing ribbons and I used masking for the pictures. This of course is not my best but what else could I do. Maybe later on if I get a better picture and more time, I could do this again. My inspiration has seemed to be Ghost In The Shell for a while. At first I tried to make a grid on the face but I gave up on that idea the last minute and started using brushes. It didn't come out as I wanted but I still got some interesting reactions, even if some were trying to be nice. By the way, I'm not used to having pictures taken of me so I can't smile by force. Well that and I never look good.
It's pretty obvious what our objective was but I'll say it anyway. Our objective was to create a magazine cover with us (in ten years) being the main point and why we were on the cover. This is rather pathetic for me ...or about me.