Friday, December 21, 2012

Of Smugness and Teachers

       For this project we had to make a hymnbook. Unlike the previous projects (i.e. magazine grid) we were able to use color and any other fundamentals of design that we've learned in this project. I decided to make a children's hymnbook using this cute picture I found on National Geographic. As you may tell by now, National Geographic is one of the few places we are able to get pictures while in college. Now we are able to leave campus with our laptops but its easier said than done. The place where I got my internet off campus had become popular. This made the internet slower thus less time to find what I need and use the internet for entertainment purposes. You have no idea how much Failblog has helped me in the semester.

Funny story: My graphic design teacher had this project in his project pile while he was cleaning up to leave the classroom. He had to clean up so that the next class can use that room and the teacher for the next class can use the desk. I was in the next class (Intro. to Modern Publications), which meant the next teacher was also my teacher. Unfortunately while my graphic design teacher was cleaning, my Intro. to Modern Pub(lications) teacher saw the pile and made some funny comment at my project. My graphic design teacher whispered to him and they both looked at me. I hated the smug smile my Intro. to Modern Pub teacher showed. Why am I telling you this? An upcoming project will have to do with that teacher for Intro. to Modern Pub.

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