Friday, August 12, 2011

A Little More Serious

Lately I've been watching a lot of Let's Plays of scary games. Amnesia (Dark Descent and Justine), White Day (a Korean horror game), and Penumbra just to name a few. I've noticed that in all those games and a lot of other scary games too, is that light plays a vital role in the gameplay. Whether it is to help the player see, or more importantly, keep the player from panicking. (By the way, I didn't make the picture, I just found it).

But we also use light mainly for these reasons. I don't know about you, but I know I can't survive long in complete darkness and its usually because I'm scared. Not because I'm scared of the dark, but of something that could be there that I can't see. Waiting for me when I'm unable to defend myself. You know, fear of the unknown. Yes, this frog can be scared too.

My point is: Light is needed. And I'm glad to be called by God to be the light in this world of darkness. I always knew that light was needed to see, but I never realized it was also needed for our mental and emotional needs. It gives us hope, comfort, and chases away our fears. That is what God does for us, all we need to do is ask.

[SPOILERS If you haven't played Amnesia: The Dark Descent]
I know that after the player is done hiding in the shadows, he/she quickly goes to a light source to help give the character some relief from the fear overwhelming him. One particular moment in Amnesia that really affected me was entering the back hall after going through the water part. After going through a terrible experience: having to be careful trudging through the water, an invisible enemy on your heels, and with only a little bit of oil left in the lantern. And then running for your life, jumping over boxes, and opening every door with trembling hands. Once you reach the final door into the back hall, you are greeted by a stairway that leads to a wide (peaceful) area with the most light throughout the castle (from what I remember). To be honest, I teared up a bit when I heard the music.

This is an extended version of the music:

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