Saturday, August 13, 2011

News and More Seriousness

First the news: I'm halfway finished with The Roost project. In fact, I've been working all night for the first half of the project. The other half needs more time, and if takes too long then I'll scrap the idea and just post the one I finished. And I decided not to do the GracieGrace project because I have little to no inspiration and I believe that GracieGrace already has a great logo and doesn't need a poster. You can stop reading here if you want. It gets personal here, but I'm not gonna hide anything.

Oh, but I love that shirt on you (^_^)

Lately I've been thinking about how people perceive me and how different each view of myself is. I understand that it doesn't matter what people think about me, but I don't want people to get the wrong impression of me. All the ideas people get about me are very conflicting and kind of make me confused about myself. My old roommates and family believe I'm a lazy bum that hasn't worked a day in her life, while strangers get the impression that I'm a hardworking ambitious girl. The same roommates think I'm a laid-back person with a somewhat rebellious attitude whilst others think I'm militant and disciplined. Another common one that almost everybody believes of me is that I'm smart, even my own family thought of this.

This should be a postcard that says "Wish You Were Here!"

I would like to clear up some things and tell the truth as best as I can. All of those views except the last are true, however conflicting they may be. I am extremely lazy and haven't known the true experience of a hard day's work. But I am ambitious, with mostly academic goals set in mind. Along with my laziness is my being very laid-back, often procrastinating 'til the day before a deadline. A previous post of mine ranting about my school's rules is a great example of my rebellious side, but not without good reason. Again, I clash these previous perceptions with a long record of good behavior throughout all the schools I've attended.

I'm also no longer tanned!

The last one takes a bit more to explain. I am not in the least bit smart. Some have complimented me on my vocabulary, however I'm just throwing a couple of big words in the middle of my sentences and often use gobbledygook. Look that up and you'll understand. The next part in my explanation is rather disheartening. As I previously stated, I procrastinate yet I turn in my home/classwork on time. And when I say classwork, I mean papers and a speech. The same goes for studying; wait and study ten minutes before a test or quiz. The sad part (for everyone else) is that I still pass my classes. In fact, I usually score higher than those who study way longer than me or do their work ahead of time. An example is a History test that I took. One girl that I knew has to study for more than an hour in order to get a C on her test. I, on the other hand, studied for five minutes and received a B (and my teacher gave out harder tests too). I'm not smart in the least, only shown a great amount mercy and grace by God. This is where I got yelled at by an old roommate. She said I could be an A student if I actually worked, to which my other roommates looked in a combination of awe and disapproval at me.

It had to be this day when a joke backfired (;_;)

Hate me enough? Well there are some redeeming aspects about me. That scolding was from my first semester. Since then I have changed noticeably. I am working harder and will be taking classes that I actually love, so no more half-hearted attempts of work. In a nutshell, there are two sides of me that people see. There is the steely, quiet, shy exterior that everyone sees, but there is also the fun-loving, happy-go-lucky, loud jokester that only a few are able to see. You know that as me, the Mental Frog.

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